The Emergency Pharmacist Research Center
This research is supported by The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Partnerships in Patient Safety, Grant no. 1 U18 HS015818

Principal Investigator/Project Director:
Rollin J. (Terry) Fairbanks, MD, MS, FACEP
Director, National Center for Human Factors Engineering in Healthcare
MedStar Institute for Innovation
MedStar Health
Washington DC
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
University of Rochester
Rochester, New York
click to email Terry Fairbanks


Daniel P. Hays, PharmD, BCPS
Clinical Pharmacist
Departments of Pharmacy and Emergency Medicine
University Medical Center- University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona
(520) 694-6124
click to email Dan Hays

Note: Dr. Hays departed the University of Rochester in August 2008 to start a new Emergency Pharmacist program at the University of Arizona Medical Center in Tucson, AZ. Dr. Fairbanks departed the University of Rochester in August 2010 to head the National Center for Human Factors Engineering in Healthcare, part of the MedStar Institute for Innovation. His clinical practice is based in Washington DC at the Washington Hospital Center and the Georgetown University Hospital.